Research Nutraceutical Supplements






Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Pathogen, Blocks Excess Cytokines, Inhibits Long-Term Disease, Inhibits Long-Term Side Effects


Anti-Pathogen, Excess Cytokine Inhibitor, Anti-inflammatory, Inhibits Long-Term Health Issues!

Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant that controls respiratory inflammation and, along with glutathione and NAC, quells cytokine storms. Alpha lipoic acid exhibits strong antioxidant properties and modulates the immune system by regulating T cell activation making it a useful therapeutic candidate for cytokine storm triggering SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Administration of ALA after SARS-CoV-2 replication may diminish ACE1 increase and ACE2 decrease, thereby contributing to the prevention of cardiopulmonary damage by preventing cytokine expression. Previously, it has been shown that influenza virus (IVFujian01) increases NF-κB and caspase activities in MDCK cells. Cells with low NF-κB activity are resistant to influenza virus infection. Thus, preventing NF-κB activation plays a major role in the treatment of influenza virus infection. ALA has been shown to inhibit influenza spread by blocking NF-κB activation. Another study has shown that ALA prevents TNF-α-mediated apoptosis caused by influenza A virus (Severa et al., 2007).

We suggest that ALA, used after viral replication, may alleviate the prognosis of the disease by regulating T cell activity and suppressing NF-κB. Besides, ALA being also used as an immunomodulator allows us to speculate its potential use and benefits of use in combination with antiviral agents may prove to be a more effective treatment of choice by reducing the side effect potential of those drugs. This is principally because of the fact that ALA will reduce the NADPH oxidase activity resulting in decreased cytokine expression, free oxygen radicals, and thus tissue damage. Inhibiting virus replication as well as limiting excess inflammation is very important to the treatment of COVID-19. For this purpose, the agents regulating the immune system should be considered together with antiviral treatments. ALA, having the potential of inhibiting cytokine expression, allows us to speculate on its potential benefit of use in balancing the cytokine storm. (Sayıner, 2020).

Without sufficient ALA the mitochondria would be unable to breakdown alpha-keto acids and free amino acids that are needed to produce acetyl-coenzyeme A (CoA) and provide important intermediates that supply the citric acid cycle, as well as protect the electron transport chain from free radical damage so maximum energy production can take place (Bodnar, 2017).


(Sayiner, 2020). Alpha Lipoic Acid as a Potential Treatment for COVID-19 – A Hypothesis. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research. Retrieved on 03/28/21 online from

(Bodnar, 2017). Chiropractic Economics: The top 3 nutrients that boost mitochondrial function. Retrieved on 06/28/21 online from The top 3 nutrients that boost mitochondrial function.

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