Plant Meds RX Inc


These are difficult times we live in. The average person is dealing with high gas prices, higher food costs, higher energy bills, and the worst major health issues of our times. Too many companies are trying to cash in on the health issues of today with products that are more hype than effective. They offer promises of hope and tell you their supplement will help you find relief from anything and everything.

We are not a marketing company selling you hope. Our patent pending formulas are developed based on research and science. We can help you navigate through these difficult times with supplements that get results.

The AcuteShield® Brand was formed to bring quality Health & Wellness products developed for maximum efficacy to millions of people looking for a healthier lifestyle.

Our mission is to research ways to use natural Phyto Nutraceuticals, Vitamins, and Supplements to help with specific medical conditions wherever possible and without the side effects that accompany prescription drugs.

Pure drug free products that help people enjoy an ailment free, happier, and longer life.


AcuteShield® Vanquish
Supports Vaccinated Health®

The only nutraceutical supplement developed specifically for vaccinated people to help maintain mRNA Spike Proteins in their normal range.

30 trillion cells make up our bodies and bad things happen when they are attacked. Fight back! AcuteShield® Vanquish helps vaccinated people maintain Cytokines, Inflammatory, Long-Term Health, and mRNA Spike Proteins in their normal range and whose ingredients have been known to support Central Nervous System Wellbeing.

We also offer AcuteShield® Heart & Soul for UnVax support daily and AcuteShield® Defcon 1 for cellular level support daily.

Stay Safe & Breathe EZ!
Plant Meds RX Inc.

AcuteShield Website



Our bodies are made up of approximately 30 trillion cells. COVID and mRNA Vaccine Spike Proteins attach to body organ cells, penetrate cell membranes, and replicate inside your cells causing cell damage and inflammation, resulting in side effects and long-term disease.

Learn what goes on in your body when you get COVID or are vaccinated so you can optimize your immune system to protect your body organ cells.

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